Karen Harper, LISI Manager
LISI is now starting on projects for its upcoming second year. The first of these is the invasive non-native species (INNS) mapping project. This will devise a standardised method for collecting data on invasive species and a way for recorders to get their information into the GiGL database where it can be stored, used and shared.
The project will incorporate several different stages to allow the project to evolve as needed. The first stage, to set up the standardised method for INNS data collection has been completed. The methodology is now available on the LISI website. We have decided to incorporate existing methods of data collection including: online forms, printable forms to be filled out in the field and electronic spreadsheets. All of these forms will be available to submit records to GiGL and will hopefully provide a range of methodologies to allow everyone to submit their records the way they prefer.
Collecting data in a standard format is well known to ensure consistency and ease communication when data is collected by different organisations. This in turn allows for easier and more accurate interpretation. From this, LISI and relevant land managers can use the data to inform effective INNS management in the field. We can also use it to look for trends and inform best practice and possible future trends.
This standardised approach also provides an easy and approachable way for volunteers to collect INNS data. LISI will be able to help provide training and tools to facilitate this data collection. Through these links, we hope to show volunteers how their data is crucial to adding depth to existing INNS data.
Being hosted by GiGL means LISI can continually develop ways to build and interpret INNS data within London and further show how joint working can result in robust and versatile data sets.