GiGL’s vision is that London’s natural environment is appreciated, understood, considered and improved. To achieve this it’s important that our data and services remain relevant to changing policy and practice priorities. To help achieve this, each quarter we meet with our GiGL Advisory Panel (GAP). They provide expert guidance on our development ideas; using their wide-ranging industry knowledge to ensure that we are offering the best services to our stakeholders. Over the past year the GAP have advised us on our web service offerings, improvements to how we model areas of deficiency in access to nature, and how to ensure GiGL’s habitat data is ready for use in Biodiversity Net Gain.
You can get the latest information on GAP on our updated webpage here. This now includes information on each of our Panel members, highlighting their wealth of expertise from Local and Statutory Authorities, environmental businesses, to community networks and scientific research. You can also read more about the role of the GAP in a previous newsletter article here.
We would like to thank all of our GAP members for their advocacy and advice. If you would like to join the Advisory Panel, please get in touch with Andy, Julie or Lyndsey.