Gladstone Park originated as the grounds and gardens of Dollis Hill House, built in 1824. The house is at the top of a hill and most of the park lies on a south-facing slope, with the quiet Dudding Hill Loop freight line at the bottom of the hill. The Prime Minister, W E Gladstone, was a frequent guest between 1882 and 1896 hence the name. The site became a public park in May 1901.The house has a small walled garden and formal borders planted with shrubs and flowers. The park also features a large ornamental pond and a planted woodland. Near here is the ‘Brentosaurus’ – a wooden sculpture commissioned by the borough in 1995. On a nearby board are six poems by children from Gladstone Park Primary School themed around the threats of pollution and its prevention.Gladstone Park won a Green Flag Award again for 20089. Brent Healthy Walkers use this site – a Walking the Way to Health (WHI) scheme; see link for details.
Local Wildlife Site
Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
Gladstone Park
Borough: Brent
Grade: Borough Grade II
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 26.29 ha
The ornamental pond is at the top of the slope and was originally home to a small flock of greylag geese, now reduced to a single pair. This attractive pond and its edges are planted with a wide variety of plants including abundant pickerel weed, galingale, lesser reedmace and reed canary-grass.There are many fine trees in the park, including oaks and London planes. Grassland wild flowers include common stork's-bill, meadow buttercup and agrimony. The woodland was planted near the intersection of Dollis Hill Lane and Parkside as a joint project between the London Wildlife Trust and Brent Council. Many of the trees and shrubs have grown well, and the area already has a woodland feel to it. Hazel, English elm, ash, field maple, hawthorn, dog-rose and elder are all thriving.Facilities
Information; animalbird enclosure; car parking; cycle paths; playground; public art; refreshments.
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