A recreation ground with a relict flora and landscape features of its past status as Tugmutton Common.
Local Wildlife Site
Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
Farnborough Recreation Ground
Borough: Bromley
Grade: Local
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 7.14 ha
Most of the nature conservation interest of the recreation ground is in the western third. A linear earth bank with frequent mature pedunculate oaks separates this area from the cricket pitch. The grassland is of variable quality, but patches west of the earth bank are botanically interesting with species including tormentil, sheep's-fescue and a local abundance of the London notable heath grass. Along the eastern boundary is a ditch with earth banks and a few common wetland plants including meadowsweet and some impressive hybrid black-poplars.Facilities
No information available
Snail © Jason Gallier
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