This mature park has a large number of specimen trees and a sizeable lake. Redbridge Walk to Health Initiative uses this site a Walking the Way to Health (WHI) scheme; see link for details.
Local Wildlife Site
Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
Goodmayes Park
Borough: Redbridge
Grade: Borough Grade II
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 17.74 ha
The trees include avenues of mature limes and horse-chestnuts as well as many berry-bearing species, providing food for birds and other animals. A good range of common breeding birds can be seen in the park.The lake supports breeding mute swan, Canada goose and tufted duck. Great crested grebes are regularly seen. Despite the water being rather over-full of plant life and hence lacking in oxygen, carp swim in the lake.Facilities
Playground; trim trail; cycle track.
Autumnal horse-chestnut leaves © Mike Waite
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