Local Wildlife Site

Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

Waterloo Millennium Green
Borough: Lambeth
Grade: Local
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 0.55 ha


Waterloo Millennium Green was opened as a new greenspace a stone’s throw from Waterloo Railway Station in 2002, having been built on a disused playground in an Area of Deficiency in Access to Nature. It now holds regular events and attracts large numbers of visitors. Despite the pressures of visitors, the site boasts some great wildlife habitats for such an urban site which include a pond and a wildflower meadow.


The pond which includes a waterfall, which as well as being pleasing to the eye has been planted up with a variety of wetland plants that include lesser reedmace, frogbit, common spike-rush, marsh-marigold, common club-rush, water mint and reed sweet-grass. The pond is surrounded by flower beds and planted shrubberies with a mix of non-native and native species which include flowering displays of cowslips, wood forget-me-nots and poppies amongst daffodils and gladioluses. The wild flower meadow can be found at the northern end of the green and is composed of a mix of meadow grasses with sainfoin, corn marigold, cowslip, corncockle, cornflower, cat's-ear and ox-eye daisies providing a dazzling display of colour for visitors and passers-by during the spring and summer months. The site attracts a variety of invertebrates, especially hoverflies and commoner butterflies. It also provides home for less common urban species such as the large red damselfly.


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