This attractive site was created in 1986 as a community nature garden from a strip of derelict ground by two local residents. It includes small enclosed lawns, numerous shrubberies and a small allotment. The site has great nature value locally, as it is the only accessible wildlife site of any significance in the area.
Local Wildlife Site
Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
Harleyford Road Community Garden
Borough: Lambeth
Grade: Borough
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 0.23 ha
Everything on the site except a few sycamores was created from scratch by volunteers. There is a pleasant mix here of wild and formal, with areas of long grass and some nettles to encourage butterflies and other insects. There are hedgerows and a small pond with vegetation at the edges, dominated almost entirely by reed sweet-grass. Resident birds include blue tits, wrens, blackbirds and thrushes. Greenfinches, pied wagtails, jays and a pair of kestrels are occasional visitors.Facilities
Playground; picnic facilities
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