Space to Visit

Open spaces available to the public as destinations for leisure, activities and community engagement

Clapham Common
Borough: Lambeth; Wandsworth
Space type: Common
Area: 75.81 ha
Address: Windmill Drive, SW4 9DE

Opening Times

Open access
Check with site manager before visiting.

Clapham Common is a large metropolitan common, as well as large open fields, it contains many other interesting landscape features including avenues of mature trees, three ponds used for a mixture of fishing, model boating and wildlife conservation, two woodlands, species-rich meadows and grasslands, and a network of paths. It also contains a splendid Victorian bandstand, three cafes, toilets, two popular playgrounds, a paddling pool, skatepark and the Bandstand Beds Community Garden. There are designated dog-free areas, including two dog-free play areas. Clapham Common has facilities for a wide variety of sports including football, tennis, basketball, netball and touch rugby amongst others.


All weather playing pitch; Changing rooms; Cycle paths; Dog litter bins/area; Fishing; Full playing pitch; Horse riding; Litter bins; Mini playing pitch; Monuments/Sculptures; Nature trail; Outdoor paddling pool; Play for under 7s; Refreshments; Seats; Sk


London Borough of Lambeth


London Borough of Lambeth
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