GiGL Contacts
GiGL staff are work from home, have access to all systems with the exception of phones – please contact us initially by email, details below. If you are a key stakeholder needing to meet with us remotely, please discuss further with your contact via email.
Service Providers:
Consultants wishing to access GiGL’s data search service should contact our delivery partner eCountability.
GiGL Staff:

Amy Palmer-Newton
Senior Data & Systems Officer
Primary contact for technical enquiries or updates relating to Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs), and Areas of deficiency (AoD) in access to nature .
Amy delivers work to review, manage and develop GiGL’s SINCs database. This includes collating data in partnership with local authorities and land managers, and coordinating steering from stakeholders. She also maintains information and models predicted changes relating to areas of deficiency (AoD) in access to nature.
Contact Amy if you have enquiries or updates relating to our SINCs, or AoD in access to nature data.
Clara Lehmann
Nature Recovery Data Assistant
Primary contact for those requiring data support as part of Rewild and Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) projects.
Clara works on improving the availability of good quality data within London, specifically for use within London’s LNRS and the GLA’s Rewild Programme.
Contact Clara if you have any queries relating to data generated as part of a London based project.
Eleni (Elina) Foui
Senior Partnership Officer (Planning)
Primary contact for planning related matters for Local Planning Authorities (LPAs), the data search service for ecological consultants and enquiries related to the “Biodiversity Evidence – Better Outcomes from Planning” project.
Eleni supports the Partnership Team with partnership development. Her work focuses on planning; supporting London’s LPAs in the use of biodiversity data in the development management process in order to achieve better outcomes for London’s natural environment. She also works on promoting how biodiversity data can be used in planning to support existing and emerging local, regional and national policies and on how GiGL services can improve, based on the needs of our partner LPAs and clients.
Contact Eleni if you would like to find out more about how your LPA can use biodiversity data in planning.
Julie Cox
Partnership Manager
Primary contact for new Service Level Agreement Partners and project development.
Julie manages GiGL’s standalone customer and grant funded projects. She supports partnership development, seeks new opportunities for projects or collaborations and delivers work for existing GiGL partners with Service Level Agreements.
Contact Julie if you would like to establish a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between your organisation and GiGL, or to discuss collaboration in a funded project.
Lyndsey Cox
Community Manager
Primary contact for our work with members of the public, community and recording groups.
Lyndsey works with the team and the recording community in London to mobilise species data (data flow), work on data standards, and oversee service delivery for community groups. She has control of data from arrival at GiGL through to the verification stage. Datasets or records can be sent to her directly, or sightings can be entered via the online form.
Contact Lyndsey if you have any queries about the species data, including verification, or to discuss working in partnership with GiGL, including projects to record and access data in London.
Molly Wilcross
GIS & Data Officer
Primary contact for our work with Habitat data and for the SLA data exchange.
Molly is responsible for updating and refining the Habitat database, ensuring that it is a robust evidence-base for our partners and stakeholders. This also involves translating habitat classification systems in-line with the requirements of Biodiversity Net Gain, editing existing data and uploading new data.
Molly leads on the quarterly data updates for existing GiGL partners with Service Level Agreements, and supports partnership project development.
Contact Molly if you have any enquiries relating to the Habitat Database and its use, or to ask about your data exchange or data analysis.

Becky Garden
Partnership & Communications Officer
Joint primary contact for our work with existing Service Level Agreement Partners.
Becky delivers work for existing GiGL partners with Service Level Agreements and co-ordinates our SLA Spotlight bulletin for existing and potential SLA partners. Becky is also Commissioning Editor of the GiGLer newsletter and runs the GiGL social media accounts with Louisa.
Contact Becky if you would like to make use of GiGL’s environmental data and your organisation is part of the GiGL Partnership, or if you would like to contribute an article to the GiGLer newsletter or to sign up to the SLA Spotlight.
Claudia Watts
GiGL Royal Parks Officer
Claudia works for GiGL but is also part of the Royal Parks’ Ecology team, where she is responsible for managing the species and habitat data for all the Royal Parks land holdings across London.
The 8 Royal Parks are: Richmond Park, Bushy Park, Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, The Regent’s Park, Greenwich Park, St. James’s Park and The Green Park. Brompton Cemetery, Victoria Tower Gardens and the Longford River are also managed by the Royal Parks.
Primary contact for our work with the Royal Parks
Contact Claudia if you have any queries relating specifically to specifically to species sightings, wildlife or habitat data for any of the Royal Parks.
Emily Hawkes
Nature Recovery Data Officer
Primary contact for our work on London’s Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS).
Emily works with the Greater London Authority and other stakeholders to help identify and collate strategic spatial data which can be integrated into London’s Nature Recovery Strategy.
Contact Emily if you have any enquiries regarding London’s LNRS or if you would like to share any key spatial datasets for consideration.
Louisa Bizzarri
Partnership Officer
Joint primary contact for our work with existing Service Level Agreement Partners.
Louisa delivers work for existing GiGL partners with Service Level Agreements and runs the GiGL social media accounts with Becky.
Contact Louisa if you would like to make use of GiGL’s environmental data and your organisation is part of the GiGL Partnership, or if you would like to discuss social media collaboration.
Mandy Rudd
Chief Executive
Primary contact for media enquiries and opportunities for business development.
Mandy is responsible for setting the overall strategic direction of the business in collaboration with GiGL’s Board of Directors. Mandy is the lead on business development, setting the social enterprise’s values and culture, and developing the staff team. She is also involved at a UK-level as a company director of the Association of Local Environmental Records Centres (ALERC) and trustee of the National Biodiversity network Trust (NBNT).
Contact Mandy for media enquiries and to discuss opportunities for collaboration.
Sarah Lewington
Community Officer
Primary contact for our work with species records and members of our Community Network.
Sarah focuses on internal species database work, core projects and delivering work for community partners, groups and individuals.
Contact Sarah if you have records which you would like to share with GiGL or for more information on our community services and recording support.
Victoria Kleanthous
Senior Community Officer
Primary contact for our work with students, researchers and members of the Community Network.
Victoria is responsible for engaging with recorders and other data providers to help maintain and improve the GiGL species database, as well as assisting students that wish to use GiGL data for research projects and community groups using GiGL data to better understand their local area.
Contact Victoria if you have species records which you would like to share with GiGL or for more information on services GiGL can provide to community groups. To submit a student or researcher request please visit the Student Request page.