GiGL Services

GiGL’s wide range of services fall into four categories.

Data Stewardship

We are data custodians. We digitise records, ensure their high quality and safe storage, and make them available for active use. We also provide mapping tools and tools for data collection; survey forms, recording spreadsheets and more.

Data & Insight

We use data to uncover the truth about the world around us. From quantitative facts about recorded wildlife and green infrastructure, to audits of available data, to gap analysis and green infrastructure modelling, statistics & analysis.

Advice & Consultancy

We provide expert advice, signposting and advocacy as well as partnership and collaborative working. We help identify and demonstrate priorities for public policy and aid policy compliance; as well as providing a wide range of training, mentoring and academic support for our community.


Charts, graphics, maps and infographics. Our visual tools are used by consultants, partners, the media and the arts for any number of purposes. Map data or tell a bigger story with visualisations and infographics.