Amandeep Jethwa, GiGL Director
GiGL’s Board of Directors are central to our work and our success. Their commitment and expertise helps guide GiGL and keeps us moving forward and developing. Directors are on the front line of biodiversity and open space work in the capital. They are GiGL service users and contribute information to our database, as well as serving as ambassadors for GiGL.
Aman joined GiGL’s Board in November 2020. As well as her position of GiGL Director she is the Senior Finance Manager at Barnardo’s.

Town or countryside?
Always has to be the countryside! Growing up in Derbyshire and having my parents live very close to a farm we were spoilt with the most wonderful fields to go walking through.
Summer or winter?
It’s so difficult to decide because I love gloriously warm and bright days, and even more so when at a beach, but I also love winter wine and wrapping up to go for festive walks or cosying up to a hot drink in the evening. I think I will have to pick winter!
Early bird or night owl?
Night owl, 100%. I always long to be one of those sprightly early birds but I call 3pm my golden hour, after that I am at my best. All my best ideas come about late at night!
Outdoor or indoors?
Outdoors. I absolutely adore spending as much time as I possibly can either walking, playing badminton (badly), cycling, hiking and skiing! More recently, I love spending time with my new veggie patch – so rewarding and delicious!
Plants or animals?
Plants. I love spending time in the morning watering all my beautiful plants and veggies that live both inside and outside in the garden. I shouldn’t admit this but I have been known to talk to my plants to encourage them to grow some more!
What species is closest to your heart and why?
It will have to be ladybirds, I’ve loved them from a young age and I still find them so beautiful. My favourite thing is finding a bush with heaps of them hiding inside.
What is your favourite Greater London open space and why?
I really love Fairlop Waters. When I first moved to London I struggled to find a haven where it was peaceful and green, and somewhere you could truly escape. Fairlop Waters first thing in the morning is an absolute treat! Great cycle routes, lots of lush greenery and a calm lake in the middle to really recoup.
Who or what inspires you?
My mother, she is the most incredible human I have ever meet – kind, generous, always smiling and so incredibly hard working to give us a wonderful childhood. She hasn’t had the easiest journey but always remains strong and smiling.
What might someone be surprised to learn about you?
As a child I was adamant I was to join the forces! With my Grandad’s brother having served and my mother having trained as a cadet, I was really inspired and in some cases felt like it was in my blood. Though I never did go down that route, I did work in an Armed Forces Charity for three years.
How did you first get involved with / hear about GiGL?
I found GiGL via a volunteering site and really loved what they do so applied for the treasurer role right away!
What past experiences will you draw upon in your work for the GiGL Board?
I have over ten years experience in Finance as a Chartered Accountant during which time I’ve worked for a number of public and not-for-profit organisations. I’m therefore fully aware of both the challenges and opportunities with social enterprise work.
What do you think are the biggest challenges and opportunities for biodiversity in Greater London? What future role do you see for GiGL and other Local Environmental Records Centres?
The biggest opportunity is that organisations are looking to become more environmentally sustainable. GiGL fit in brilliantly to share data on this. The challenge will be how GiGL can reach and communicate with these organisations to find out what data would be useful for supporting them.