Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) resources

GiGL will be playing an important role in Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), supporting the process with high quality data and expertise. As part of GiGL’s involvement, we have compiled a list of useful and important documents to help inform and exemplify BNG. These are described and linked below.

We have included documents for planners and boroughs, as well as key general information documents about how BNG will be implemented. There are also papers and reports detailing case studies and investigations into different facets of BNG, as well as documents specifically about the BNG Metric and habitats.

More information on GiGL’s habitat dataset can be found here. Survey data standards guidance is also available from GiGL here.

General Information

BNG information collection (2024)A collection of information and resources from the government on BNG
Biodiversity Enhancement Approaches (2024)This page by Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) and its subpages are intended to act as an area where members can easily find information about different Biodiversity Enhancement (BE) Approaches in England, Scotland, Wales and on the island of Ireland.
Mandatory biodiversity net gain in England – A guide (2024)Produced by CIEEM, IEMA and CIRIA, the aim of this document is to provide a simple ‘how to’ guide on England’s first phase of mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG).
BNG online (2024)BNG online is a partnership between the Planning Advisory Service and the Future Homes Hub, to help Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) and the development sector prepare for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) in England.
NE Guiding principles blog (2024)Natural England (NE) blog on guiding principles for designing BNG, with expert insights.
Defra blog (2024)The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)’s blog covering land use policies and framework
Biodiversity units as a land manager (2023)DEFRA’s guidance for selling biodiversity units as a land manager
NE Challenges and Opportunities blog (2023)NE blog on challenges and opportunities in implementing BNG
PAS BNG webpagePlanning Advisory Service (PAS) webpage with details on BNG, with links to additional resources
PAS BNG essentials presentation (2023)PAS BNG essentials for local authorities slide pack and recording that can be used by local authority officers to provide an overview of BNG to colleagues, members and senior managers. 
PAS FAQ webpagePlanning Advisory Service (PAS) frequently asked questions on BNG 
PAS workshop for planners (2021)Planning Advisory Service (PAS) workshop presentation for planners (slides)
PAS workshop for boroughs (2021)Planning Advisory Service (PAS) workshop presentation for boroughs (slides)
UKGBC resource libraryExplore a range of resources from the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC), including in-depth guidance and technical studies.
UKGBC checklistsUKGBC checklists for anyone wanting to implement BNG
Environment Bank BNG projectBNG projects from leading provides of BNG units and credits
BNG for developersPractical delivery 8-step guide from GroundControl
BNG consultation outcomes (2023)Government response and summary of responses from the consultation on biodiversity net gain (BNG) regulations and implementation
IEMA principles for achieving BNGInstitute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA) webinar on the principles for achieving BNG outcomes from development
IEMA BNG Presentation (2016)Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA) presentation on achieving BNG
CIEEM practical guideThe Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) practical guide for achieving BNG PDF
CIEEM BNG templatesThe Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) BNG Report and Audit Templates
CIEEM good practice guide (2021)The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) good practice requirements for delivering BNG gain (on and off site) PDF
BSI webinar (2021)The British Standards Institution (BSI) webinar ‘Process for designing and implementing BNG’
GMCA BNG in Greater ManchesterGreater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) webpage on delivering BNG in Greater Manchester
GLA BNG Design guide (2021)Urban Greening for Biodiversity Net Gain: A Design Guide, produced by the Greater London Authority (GLA) PDF
Forest Trends resourcesWebpage linking to BBOP tools and publications
BNG for landscape professionals FAQs (2022)The Landscape Institutes frequently asked questions by landscape professionals regarding BNG (PDF)

Legislation and Regulations

Environment Act 2021The Environment Act 2021
Site register regulations 2024Biodiversity net gain site register regulations
BNG Exemptions Regulations 2024Biodiversity gain site exemptions regulations
BNG Irreplaceable habitat regulations 2024Biodiversity gain requirements for irreplaceable habitats
BNG modification and amendment regulations 2024Biodiversity gain modification and amendment regulations

Papers and reports

BNG in Practice: One year on from mandatory implementation (2025)A report by the Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) and the Association of Local Government Ecologists (ALGE) providing a comprehensive analysis of the challenges faced in the implementation of mandatory BNG one year after its introduction.
Net Gain for Small Sites (2025)This report by the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) summarises responses to a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) for small sites in England survey.
Butler et al. (2025)Report on ‘Local People’s Preferences for Housing Development-associated Biodiversity Net Gain in England’.
Marshall et al. (2024)England’s statutory biodiversity metric enhances plant, but not bird nor butterfly, biodiversity
National Audit Office (2024)Risks to the long-term effectiveness of new biodiversity net gain scheme
Land use policies and framework blog (2023)Government blog on incorporating Local Nature Recovery Strategies when planning for Biodiversity Net Gain
Martinez-Cillero et al. 2023Functional connectivity modelling and biodiversity Net Gain in England: Recommendations for practitioners
Rampling et al. 2023Achieving biodiversity net gain by addressing governance gaps underpinning ecological compensation policies
BNG market mechanisms (2021)The Nature Conservancy report ‘Biodiversity Net Gain in England: Developing Effective Market Mechanisms’
BNG and People’s Wellbeing (2021)The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) report ‘Biodiversity Net Gain and People’s Wellbeing’
The state of BNG offsetting policy in England LPAs (2021)Dr Megan Roberts report ‘The State of No Net Loss/Net Gain and Biodiversity Offsetting Policy in English Local Planning Authorities’
Skill and capacity assessment of local government to deliver BNG (2022)Department for Environmental Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) report ‘Assessment of the skills and capacity of local government to deliver Biodiversity Net Gain and other Environment Bill responsibilities’
LERCs and BNG (2019)Association of Local Environmental Records Centers (ALERC) report ‘Local Environmental Records Centers and Biodiversity Net Gain’
BNG Good practice case studies (2016)The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) report ‘Biodiversity New Gain: Good Practice Principles for Development Case Studies’ 
The ecological outcomes of BNG (2021)Sophus et al. ‘Exploring the ecological outcomes of mandatory biodiversity net gain using evidence from early-adopter jurisdictions in England’ (published in Society for Conservation Biology)
Developing policy and practice for marine BNG (2021)Tara Hooper et al. ‘Developing policy and practice for marine net gain’ (published in Journal of Environmental Management) 

BNG Metric

BNG metric tools and guides (2023)Statutory tools and guides for measuring the biodiversity value of habitats for BNG
The Biodiversity Metric Supporting Documents (2023)Additional tools for use with the statutory biodiversity metric. These tools are not part of the statutory metric and have been produced as an accompanying resource.
BNG metric consultation (2023)Results from DEFRA’s technical consultation on the biodiversity metric
Ecosystem Knowledge Network offset calculator Ecosystem Knowledge Network’s calculator for offsets or net gain
Future Homes Hub UK (2023)Future Homes Hub -The Biodiversity Unit Finder to help developers connect with landowners, land managers and others developing and selling biodiversity units under BNG.
PAS Watercourse metric guidance (2023)A detailed look at the watercourse element of the wider Biodiversity Metric explaining how planning applications which include, or have an impact on, a watercourse should be reviewed by local authorities.
Environmental Benefits from Nature Tool (2024)Natural England’s ‘Environmental Benefits from Nature Tool’ is designed to work alongside the Statutory Biodiversity Metric Tool and provide developers, planners and other interested parties with a means of enabling wider benefits for people and nature from biodiversity net gain.
Natural England Small Sites Metric (2024)The statutory Small Sites Metric, is used to calculate biodiversity value for the purposes of biodiversity net gain for ‘small sites’.
Natural England metric blog post (2021)Natural England’s Launch event blog post on Biodiversity Metric 3.0.
Natural England Launch event (2021)A recording of Natural England’s BNG launch event (youtube).

Habitat classifications

DEFRA UK BAP Habitat description: Hedgerows (2016)A definition of hedgerows as a UK BAP habitat, published by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
Hedgerow survey handbook (2011)Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) hedgerow survey handbook that sets out a standard way of recording hedgerows.
DEFRA UK BAP Habitat description: Open Mosaic Habitats (2016)A definition of open mosaic habitats on previously developed land as a UK BAP habitat, published by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
Open mosaic habitat survey handbook (2013)exeGesIS SDM open mosaic habitat survey handbook that sets out a standard way of recording this habitat type
UKHab Survey AppUKHab survey app for phones and tablets (eCountability).
UKHab Survey AppUKHab survey app for phones and tablets (Coreo).