After five successful years of London Recorders’ Day, we are excited to announce the new name and look of the London Day of Nature.
While ‘recording’ remains at the heart of everything GiGL does, we felt it was time to update the event to better reflect the speakers we wish to champion and the community we wish to welcome – namely all those engaging with and working for nature in London. The rebrand gives us an opportunity to inspire new recorders and nature defenders, as well as welcoming LRD veterans for what is set to be another memorable day.
Along with the new name and new look, we are relocating to Camley Street Natural Park, an unexpected haven of wildlife just ten minutes’ walk from Kings Cross Station. Join us on 28th October for a range of brilliant speakers, featuring talks on local nature recovery strategies, rare plants and more, as well as interesting workshops and, back by popular demand, lunch!
Check out our social media channels @iGiGL and @LDNature and the GiGL website for information on ticketing and to stay up to date with the latest news on the London Day of Nature. We can’t wait to see you there!
Tickets on sale soon.