At one time part of Lesnes Abbey Wood, this mature sloping woodland has views across Erith Marshes. Bexley Primary Care Trust’s Stepping Out walks programme has used this site as part of a Walking the Way to Health (WHI) scheme.
Local Wildlife Site
Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
Franks Park, Belvedere
Borough: Bexley
Grade: Borough Grade I
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 17.84 ha
Franks Park contains mature woodland of sessile oak, beech and sweet chestnut standards with neglected sweet chestnut coppice and an understory of hawthorn, holly and English elm. The more open areas of the wood and acid grassland contain the London notable plant species southern wood-rush and bird's-foot. The regionally scarce climbing corydalis has been recorded here, but has not been seen recently. The woodland and the many hollows in the mature trees provide breeding habitat for birds such as hobby, tawny owl, nuthatch, chiffchaff and green and great spotted woodpeckers. This has been one of the best recorded sites in the borough for bats, and species include the common pipistrelle, soprano pipistrelle and noctule. In 2016, the woodland in the south-east of the site was dominated by bramble. Controlling the bramble was recommended to allow development of woodland ground flora. Additionally, a strip of false acacia trees was recorded along the top ridge of the site. As this species is invasive, it was recommended that it be removed and replaced them with other native species which provide nectar and food for birds.Facilities
Waymarked walking route including Green Chain Walk; playground; orienteering facilities
Southern wood-rush © Mike Waite
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