This is a small, but very well used and typically urban, London square with numerous mature trees. It was developed alongside neighbouring Tavistock Square by Thomas Cubitt in the 1820s. The square is open to the public during daylight hours, from 8am-8pm or dusk, whichever is sooner.
Local Wildlife Site
Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
Gordon Square
Borough: Camden
Grade: Local
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 0.92 ha
Trees include London planes as well as common lime, beech, hornbeam, flowering cherry and purple cherry-plum. The square's edges have dense shrubberies, of mostly non-native species such as snowberry, lilac, mock orange, spotted laurel, buddleia, dogwood and a little hazel. Primrose and bluebell are among the wildflowers planted in the flowerbeds. Breeding birds include wren, robin, blackbird, blue tit, and mistle and song thrush.Facilities
Information; sculptures/ monuments; café
Gordon Square © Mike Waite
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