This suburban park was originally a marshy area along the Croydon branch of the River Wandle. The marshes were drained and the then free-flowing springs were used to create a boating lake, opened in 1890. The river was culverted in the 1960s and the lake was filled in, but since then the park underwent extensive regeneration and re-opened in 2012. Improvement include de-culverting the River Wandle, improving sports facilities and the addition of a new bandstand, ornamental planting, paths, seating and a café. The park provides valuable access to nature in an area lacking accessible wildlife sites.
Local Wildlife Site
Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
Wandle Park
Borough: Croydon
Grade: Local
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 8.57 ha
Willow trees and a few damper patches in the close-mown grassland, with species like blinks and parsley piert, remain as an echo of the park's watery past. The River Wandle has been de-culverted and runs through the park again. There are a variety of trees, including London plane, horse chestnut, hornbeam, ash, beech and sycamore. Further planting has taken place in recent years.Facilities
Public toilets; bandstand; café; changing rooms; all weather pitch; tennis court; skate park; play area; community garden; ornamental garden; trim trail; car park
Moorhen © André Van-Looy
Robin © Jason Gallier
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