Local Wildlife Site

Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

Islip Manor Park and wildlife area extension
Borough: Ealing
Grade: Local
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 0.89 ha


This small area of Islip Manor Park is managed for nature conservation. It includes a meadow flanked on three sides by woodland.


This part of the park provides a useful local wildlife resource. The plants in the grassland are allowed to grow long, flower and set seed before being cut. The most common grasses in this meadow are common bent, smaller cat's-tail and red fescue and herbs are generally quite sparse apart from creeping buttercup. Around the meadow a woodland understorey has been allowed to develop under the planted horse chestnut, hornbeam and common lime trees.


Information (on signs)
Ragged-robin © Mike Waite

Ragged-robin © Mike Waite
Great crested newt © Unknown

Great crested newt © Unknown


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