This large cemetery on Fulham Palace Road is still used for burials, and consequently much of the site is formally managed, with close mown grass and neatly clipped hedges. It has an area dedicated to people who died in the Second World War, and seems to have an unusually high number of graves of children.
Local Wildlife Site
Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
Fulham Cemetery
Borough: Hammersmith and Fulham
Grade: Local
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 4.83 ha
The site contains a good number of mature trees, especially limes, birch and hawthorns, and together these support a fair variety of birds, such as greenfinch, goldfinch, blue tit, blackbird and jay, with warblers dropping by on migration. The grass contains a good variety of wildflowers, reflecting the cemetery's rural origins. Some of the more conspicuous species include hedgerow crane's-bill, common knapweed, lady's bedstraw, bird's foot trefoil and oxeye daisy, with cow parsley and ground ivy in shady spots.Facilities
No information available
Female blackbird © Jason Gallier
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