Local Wildlife Site

Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

Hither Green Cemetery, Lewisham Crematorium and Reigate Road Open Space
Borough: Lewisham
Grade: Borough Grade I
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 23.35 ha


The three sections of this site lie adjacent to one another between Verdant Lane and the railway line that runs from Grove Park to Hither Green. The habitats are grassland, mature trees, a water feature and neglected grassland with scrub.The Cemetery is open from 1st March to 31st October 10am-4.30 pm daily. For the rest of the year it opens 10am-3.30pm. The Crematorium grounds are open Monday to Friday, 9am-4.30pm.


Most of Hither Green Cemetery consists of grassland kept moderately short, with relatively few trees and shrubs present. The few trees and shrubs that are here are chiefly ornamental. The grassland contains a colourful array of wildflowers, including common knapweed, meadow buttercup, bristly oxtongue, hawkweed oxtongue, bird's-foot-trefoil and sticky groundsel. These attract a range of butterflies and other insects. The northeast corner of the cemetery has a number of mature trees and shrubs providing a woodland feel. Trees present include oak, poplar, copper beech, lime, holly, horse-chestnut, yew and a variety of conifers. This is a good place to look for woodland birds, including willow warbler, chiffchaff, blackcap and spotted flycatcher. Less common species are also occasionally seen on migration, including ring ouzel, long-eared owl and nightingale. Large numbers of ring-necked parakeets roost every evening in the tall poplars.The grounds of Lewisham Crematorium are far more formal, with rows of conifers and short mown grass. The chief wildlife interest is a curious long, narrow water feature near the centre, the northern end of which has a tangle of vegetation. Species here include tufted vetch, hairy sedge, great willowherb, marsh woundwort and greater bird's-foot-trefoil. Further south this feature opens out where a small island provides a safe place for moorhen and mallards to breed. The banks harbour a number of wetland plants, such as hard rush, great willowherb, gypsywort and water cress.Reigate Road Open Space is located on a steep bank to the south of Hither Green Cemetery and the crematorium grounds. In recent years, grassland areas here have been colonised with tall wildflowers and scrub.This area is now a breeding place for a variety of common birds including blackcap and whitethroat.


Car parking; sculptures/ monuments; toilet.
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