This is a large area of wasteland on a former council incineration ground. There is also a pond here, with a diverse aquatic flora.Hatherop Park won a Green Flag Award again in 20089.
Local Wildlife Site
Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
Hatherop Park
Borough: Richmond upon Thames
Grade: Borough Grade II
Access: Free public access (part of site)
Area: 4.2 ha
Among the many colourful wildflowers here are several scarce species in London. These include balm, hare's-foot clover, Greek dock and spotted medick. On fine summer days the site is jumping with butterflies and grasshoppers.Dead elms in the northwest of the site support woodpeckers, insects and fungi, while a dense nettlebed provides food for caterpillars of small tortoiseshell, comma and peacock butterflies.Birds using the site include whitethroat, goldfinch, stock dove and green woodpecker.Facilities
Playground; walking route.Further info:-
Hawthorn in flower at Hatherop Park © Charlotte Williams
Peacock butterfly © Mike Waite
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