This site is made up of Beddington Park together with the churchyard of St Mary’s, which lies within the park’s boundaries. The wide variety of habitats here includes a branch of the River Wandle, ponds, damp meadows, formal gardens and the gravestones of the churchyard.Beddington Park was once part of the deer park attached to Carew Manor, which at the time was an important country house. It underwent alteration in the late 19th century, and most of the older trees date from this time.A Walking the Way to Health Initiative (WHI) scheme operates here, see link for details.
Local Wildlife Site
Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
Beddington Park
Borough: Sutton
Grade: Borough Grade I
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 56.35 ha
The Wandle supports grey wagtails and kingfishers, and the associated lake has a breeding pair of little grebes. A separate pond, which lies about 100 metres north of the river, contains a variety of plants, such as common spike-rush, celery-leaved crowfoot and marsh foxtail. Beneath the water is a range of oxygenating plants, including star-wort and curled pondweed. Sticklebacks, frogs, toads and newts breed here. The extensive damp meadow which borders the river contains several wet-loving plants such as marsh bedstraw, marsh thistle, various sedges and the regionally rare imperforate St John's-wort. The attractive formal gardens of the Grange (a public house in the west of the park) contain wildflowers such as autumn lady's tresses, an orchid which is also rare in London, as well as lady's bedstraw.The walls and gravestones of St Mary's Churchyard in the east of the park support an interesting range of ferns and lichens. The whole site also supports a broad range of birds, including treecreeper, nuthatch, all three British woodpeckers and occasional rare migrants visiting from the adjacent Beddington Farmlands to the north. Both soprano and common pipistrelles as well as serotine and noctule bats use the site to forage. Mature hybrid black poplars support the uncommon hornet clearwing moth.Facilities
Car parking; toilets; playground; cafe; waymarked walking route.
River Wandle at Beddington Park © Jan Hewlett
The lake at the Grange, Beddington Park © L B Sutton
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