Local Wildlife Site

Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

Spitalfields City Farm and Allen Gardens
Borough: Tower Hamlets
Grade: Borough Grade I
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 2.06 ha


Spitalfields is the nearest city farm to the City of London and has over 18,000 visitors a year. The farm is an invaluable resource for local people, providing an opportunity to interact with and learn about animals first hand.Many activities are run from the farm, working with and supported by volunteers. These include raising awareness of food issues, recycling and green spaces. There are also activities to help improve skills in gardening, animal care, social communication, IT, language and literacy. The farm also provides services such as a “mobile farm”, filmTV location, animals for hire and sales of produce (Asian vegetables, chicken, duck and quail eggs).In 2004, the farm agreed a contract with Tower Hamlets to manage the nearby Allen Gardens as part of a wider strategy to increase biodiversity in the area.The farm is open to the public Tuesday–Sunday, 10am–4.30pm (closed on Mondays). Call 020 7247 8762 for more details.


The farm houses a number of different animals in enclosures around the site. It also has a community garden where people from the local Bangladeshi community grow a wide range of exotic plants and vegetables. The wildlife area has been planted with both native and exotic species. It has a pond with a variety of aquatic plants. A second pond supports no vegetation, but has several happy ducks.Allen Gardens have been planted with thousands of wildflowers and spring bulbs with the aim of improving the space for people and wildlife alike.


Animalbird enclosure. Little Spitz Playgroup runs Sundays 1pm-3pm with play facilities for the under 5s.
Spitalfields Farm © Edwin Van Ek

Spitalfields Farm © Edwin Van Ek
Spitalfields Farm © Edwin Van Ek

Spitalfields Farm © Edwin Van Ek


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