This tiny public park supports a very good range of common birds for its size. It seems to be used mainly as a short-cut to the station, or for quiet sitting, and hence appears little disturbed.
Local Wildlife Site
Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
Victoria Embankment Gardens: Temple Section
Borough: Westminster
Grade: Local
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 0.27 ha
There are several old London plane trees, plus mature holly, hawthorn, ornamental cherry, laburnum and a Judas tree. A fairly dense shrubbery provides good cover. There is a small lawn and flowerbeds. Food is put out for birds and there is a birds' drinking basin, associated with a stone statue.Breeding birds include song thrush, dunnock, blackbird and blue tit.Facilities
sculptures/ monuments.
Temple Gardens © Westminster City Council
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