Sunny Hill Park is a large airy park in north Hendon, offering fine views to the north and west. Much of the landscape is managed as a typical urban park, with a wide range of recreational facilities. However, there are also features of the former farmland typical of the area prior to London’s expansion in the 1920s and ’30s. A small plot of woodland in the southeast corner of the site was once part of the neighbouring St Mary’s Churchyard. The churchyard is an important historic site, with artefacts from the Roman period and evidence of a Saxon settlement.
Local Wildlife Site
Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
Sunny Hill Park
Borough: Barnet
Grade: Local
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 22.33 ha
Towards the southern end of the park, the more urban parkland gives way to wild flower meadow; some typical wildflowers found here include black knapweed, common sorrel, lesser stichwort and three species of buttercup. A large variety of common and not so common birds have also been spotted on the site. An area of rough grassland and scrub towards the north of the site is managed particularly for slow worms. These small reptiles were introduced to the park when their previous habitat was lost to development some years ago.Facilities
Café; Basketball court; Tennis court; Football pitches; Play areas; Marked walking route; Events; Fairs
Colt’s-foot in early spring © Jan Hewlett
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