Local Wildlife Site

Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

Chestnuts Park
Borough: Haringey
Grade: Local
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 5.14 ha


This sizeable park sits opposite St Ann’s Hospital and includes a large number of mature trees. It is situated in an area with little accessible natural greenspace.


There are plenty of mature trees, mostly London planes with occasional common lime, horse chestnut and weeping willow. Some areas are managed for nature conservation. The grass is allowed to grow long, encouraging grasshoppers and other invertebrates, and native trees and shrubs have been planted, including ash, holly, beech, hazel and dogwood. A scented garden by the south-east entrance provide a good nectar source for bees. Hundreds of bulbs planted by the local community bring added life and colour in the spring. House sparrows can still be found here especially in the dense firethorn hedge in the north-west corner.


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