Local Wildlife Site

Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

River Cray
Borough: Bexley, Bromley
Grade: Metropolitan
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 185.51 ha


The River Cray rises as a chalk stream at Priory Gardens in Orpington, and flows north-east through Ruxley Gravel Pits to join the Darent Creek in Bexley. It is one of the Thames’ cleanest tributaries. Several associated areas are incorporated within this site, the largest being the Foots Cray Meadows open space, which contains important areas of neutral grassland, species-rich fen and the ancient North Cray Wood. Other important component parts are St Mary Cray Riverside Gardens, Hall Place Gardens and Barnes Cray Pastures at the far eastern end of the site. Foots Cray Meadows is a Local Nature Reserve managed by Bexley Council. Hall Place Gardens is managed by the Bexley Heritage Trust. Bexley Primary Care Trust’s Stepping Out walks programme uses parts of this site – a Walking the Way to Health (WHI) scheme; see link for details.


The river supports abundant aquatic vegetation throughout its length, including locally uncommon plants such as stream water-crowfoot, lesser water-parsnip, mare's-tail and pink water-speedwell. The river flows at a variety of speeds, with both fast-flowing and sluggish water, and the Cray's aquatic invertebrate and fish faunas are correspondingly diverse. Breeding birds include kingfisher, grey wagtail, and both reed and sedge warblers. Lapwing and snipe are amongst the bird species wintering on adjacent flooded grassland at Barnes Cray, where the ditch network also supports specially-protected water voles. Several ponds at Foots Cray support the specially-protected great crested newt. Insects at North Cray Wood include the locally scarce white-letter hairstreak butterfly.


Information (on signs); car parking; cycle paths; horse riding; fishing; playgrounds. The Cray Riverway and the London LOOP walk follow the river in Bexley.
Banded demoiselle damselfly, male © Mike Waite

Banded demoiselle damselfly, male © Mike Waite
Giant hogweed at Barnes Cray Pastures © Mike Waite

Giant hogweed at Barnes Cray Pastures © Mike Waite


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