Local Wildlife Site

Accessible Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

Stave Hill Ecological Park
Borough: Southwark
Grade: Borough Grade I
Access: Free public access (all/most of site)
Area: 2.89 ha


Stave Hill and the Ecological Park have been developed since 1987 and now contain an excellent range of habitats, including several types of scrub, secondary woodland, orchard, herb-rich neutral grassland, two ponds with good marginal vegetation and a short section of chalk stream, as well as a butterfly garden. A wind pump draws groundwater up from the chalk aquifer to supply the stream and ponds, and also the water feature in Russia Dock Woodland. Managed by The Conservation Volunteers (TCV)V, it is well-used by local schools.


The mosaic of habitats are of high value to a range of wildlife, including less common species such as hedgehog, reptiles and foraging bats. Meadow brown, common blue and large heath butterflies have been recorded along with three species of dragonfly. This site forms a habitat corridor with Russia docks woodland to the northeast and Surrey Dock to the west, via Docks Hill Avenue.


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